Posts Tagged ‘ edmonton ’

Oh Edmonton

Here’s a little something I put together, since I couldn’t seem to find the words to express my feelings about the sudden, harsh new reality we’re all facing today.

Sad Face Winter

The Cyberlit Blog…In Exile

(Let’s all thank Wil Wheaton for providing us a model to emulate when faced with the cruel shifting tides of Fortune’s intertubes.)

This blog used to be on my own domain at, but hey! we’re in a recession, and really the $12 a month I was paying Yahoo! for hosting and for the domain was frankly back-breaking.  These are lean times!  $12 in this economy could buy me 6 boxes of Kraft Dinner, or 3 Big Macs!  It’s really all about keeping a lid on that bigger picture.

Since WordPress offers free blogs and as I had a few entries from the old wordpress blog I wanted to keep, I felt this was the better alternative.  (The other alternative would have been tossing my PC off the balcony, tearing the ethernet cable out of the wall, and donning my tinfoil hat so that I’ll get the signal from the mothership when the invasion begins.)  Over the next few days you’ll notice back-dated entries appearing…  Don’t worry, these are just the exiles.

As you may recall (or not, if this is your first visit), This blog originated as a resource for my English Honours Tutorial in Fall 2006, when I was researching cyberliterature as a development in artistic forms of expression at the University of Alberta in Edmonton, Canada. It continues on as my personal blog, spanning the range of my interests. I enjoy the usual things– reading all kinds of books, writing bad science-fiction, fluffy kitties, samurai movies, walks on the beach (yes, I am a walking, talking, geeky cliché). I am, without reservation, a nerd, a fact probably best evidenced by this very blog as well as the misguided notion that maintaining a blog somehow makes me at least a little ‘hip’. I have active interests in internet culture and the evolving role of technology in daily practice, and generally speaking, the blog tends to be a catalogue of artifacts that represent both of these.